

Dippy on Tour

The world's most famous diplodocus is now in its new North West home.

Dinosaurs, scorpions, and dragonflies with wingspans of 2 feet, what more could you want from an exhibition? When our friends at Creative Core approached us to be involved in the Dippy on Tour project, we jumped at the chance to work on all things pre-historic!

Dippy the Dinasour which was discovered more than a century ago, now presides at Number One Riverside in Rochdale. As part of the touring exhibition, visitors are able to see the dinosaur skeleton up-close and personal and find out more about all things pre-historic.

We developed a mobile tour to help visitors navigate between Dippy’s new home and the Touchstones Gallery. This tour included a game to keep children engaged, whereby a quiz question is answered at each landmark with virtual Dippy bones to be collected along the way.

One of the key features for the exhibition was an unrecognizable fossil of a scorpion. In order to bring to life what the scorpion would have looked like, we built a CGI scorpion which visitors could view through AR by scanning their phones on the object case.

Visitors were encouraged to stand on the footsteps in front of the case and the pre-historic scorpion scuttled around the case.


Digital Programming
CGI & Animation
Projection Mapping & AR Design
Exhibition Design

Katie Hilton
Alistair Monaghan
Adam Orton, Natalie Wood
Matt Geeling, Andy Wheeldon
Creative Core