The Pond was the name we always gave our creative endeavours, be it personal or passion projects – they were always Pond jobs. We’ve recently moved this on to launch into the advertising space driven by Film Director, Hayley Repton. Using our creativity to drive a brand is nothing new to us but it has always before been an addition rather than the main focus…and you really need to be all-in in Ad land. To partner with clients who we really believe in and they us, and to give our all for each other – it’s us and you versus the world!

And we’re already up and running, working with First Chop, a fantastic beer company that really push themselves through bringing people together and making time for each other. A message we can really get behind…it tastes bloody good too!
Hot-on-the-heels of First Chop are some wonderful ads coming soon for the Celiac disease foundation and clothing company San An, already shot in Ibiza.
We’ve launched an Instagram site so you can be part of our journey, take your shoes off an have a paddle: