What do you want from life?
The typically un-Christmassy Fuzzy Duck Christmas film will be landing soon, check it out…
Some previous Duck Christmas films, from the ghost of Christmas past.
Manchester Animation Festival
Matt and Nigel recently spoke at the sold out “Making it in Manchester” event for MAF2019, sharing some insights into this industry and discussing what makes Manchester a hotspot for animation.
Major Events International – UK Sports & Venues Summit
Following on from recent success in the sports sector, we have concentrated our marketing efforts on developing this side of the business. In November we exhibited at the Major Events International UK Sports & Venues Summit, where we were lucky enough to meet some inspirational people, doing wonderful things for the world of sport.
City of Trees
At our recent Away Day, Dom motivated the team with a passionate presentation on climate change, compelling us all to re-evaluate our actions as individuals and as a company. This culminated in Dom and Kate finding themselves in a field in Salford on a wet November day, helping City of Trees and our neighbours from MediaCityUK to plant 500 trees. Definitely a day well spent!